Offers a long-term faith-based, residential recovery program for men ages 18 and up battling addiction. Program includes daily classes, chapel, on-site clinical and pastoral counseling, AA/NA/CR [...]
To help low-income citizens of Westminster meet their housing needs, and to revitalize the city’s older neighborhoods. Administers the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program which [...]
To rehabilitate women with drug and/or alcohol abuse problems through Christian teachings. Christian classes and counseling are part of the rehabilitation in this residential program. This [...]
Provides a confidential forum for veterans and family members to discuss challenges they are facing and to link them with needed resources. Maryland veterans and their families are eligible. This [...]
To offer a locally run affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International, a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian housing organization, dedicated to meeting the needs of residents who lack adequate [...]
To assure affordable, decent, safe, and sanitary housing for eligible families in communities of their choice while encouraging participants economic self-sufficiency. Provides technical and [...]