History of the partnership

Our History

In 1996 a resolution was signed by the Carroll County Board of Health (the Carroll County Commissioners) and the Board of Directors of Carroll Hospital (then Carroll County General Hospital):

Resolution for Better Health; Forming a Community Partnership
On behalf of the Carroll County Board of Health and the Board of Directors of Carroll County General Hospital, we commit our institutions to support a Partnership for a Healthier Community with the goal of working in collaboration to improve the health status of all Carroll County Citizens.”


  • Richard T. Yates, President, Carroll County Board of Health
  • Randy E. Rager, Chairman, Board of Directors,
Carroll County General Hospital
  • Janet W. Neslen, M.D., M.P.H., Health Officer,
Carroll County Health Department
  • John Sernulka, President, Carroll County General Hospital

This resolution launched a comprehensive community health assessment project, which was completed in 1997 by Carroll Hospital (then Carroll County General Hospital) and the Carroll County Health Department. It incorporated a strong community role with a 40-person steering committee. The value of a community-based, community-driven model was thus established, and issues for improvement action were selected by the steering committee.


This resolution launched a comprehensive community health assessment project, which was completed in 1997 by Carroll Hospital (then Carroll County General Hospital) and the Carroll County Health Department. It incorporated a strong community role with a 40-person steering committee. The value of a community-based, community-driven model was thus established, and issues for improvement action were selected by the steering committee.

That steering committee then asked Carroll Hospital and the Carroll County Health Department, the recognized leaders of health in Carroll County, to support the community in a long-term improvement effort. The non-profit corporate model was implemented to capture the community-based leadership so important to our intended outcomes. The Partnership for a Healthier Carroll County, Inc. was chartered in 1999 as a unique not-for-profit organization devoted to building capacity to improve health and quality of life in our community.

Our Founders

Responding to a request from the community, creative thinking leaders from Carroll Hospital and the Carroll County Health Department envisioned a unique approach to health improvement. They are the two initial members of The Partnership for a Healthier Carroll County, Inc., a Maryland non-stock corporation, and they continue to sustain the work of the organization today.

Carroll Hospital – a Lifebridge Health center

Founded by and for our communities, Carroll Hospital helps people maintain the highest attainable level of good health throughout their lives. We strive to be the best place to work, practice medicine and receive care.  Our commitment is to be the hospital of choice.

Our communities expect and deserve superior medical treatment, compassionate care, and expert guidance in maintaining their health and well-being. At Carroll Hospital, we offer an uncompromising commitment to the highest quality health care experience for people in all stages of life.  We are the heart of health care in our communities.

Carroll Hospital established and is the authorized member of its affiliate, The Partnership for a Healthier Carroll County, as the entity to:

  1. Assess unmet health needs in our community,
  2. Expand the capacity for health and quality of life improvement in our community,
  3. Serve as our collaborative vehicle for interaction with the community,
  4. Drive the effort to create a healthier Carroll County Community.

Through extensive community involvement, and with collaboration at the heart of all operations, The Partnership is linked with elements of Carroll Hospital’s Community Benefit planning and implementation process.

Carroll County Health Department

The mission of Carroll County Health Department is to create and sustain a community of wellness in Carroll County. Our commitment is to assure the optimum quality of life by empowering the public with knowledge and resources through advocacy and community partnerships. Carroll County Health Department, as a unit of the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) within the government of the State of Maryland, serves the residents of Carroll County.

The Carroll County Health Department is the co-founder of the Partnership for a Healthier Carroll County and is involved for:

  • Assessment – Diagnosing and investigating health
  • Policy Development – Informing, educating and empowering community partnerships
  • Assurance – Enforcing laws and linking to care.