Walk Carroll

COME WALK WITH US at free group walking events all around Carroll County. Get health information and fun giveaways. Dates and locations vary. Local walking clubs are forming now!  Walks will usually be between 1 to 2 miles. All ages and ability levels.

Walk Carroll is a long-term walking and exercise program that provides regular, accessible physical activity opportunities for anyone living, working, or playing in Carroll County. Track your physical activity and try to reach the CDC-recommended goal of 150 minutes each week! With Walk Carroll, you can enjoy free group walking events all over Carroll County. Join us for fun walks, health information, cool giveaways, healthy snacks, activities for children, and more.

Local Walk Carroll walking clubs are forming! Join one or start a new group in your area for regular walks with neighbors and friends.

For general Walk Carroll questions, or to join a Walk Carroll group, please contact Addy, Walk Carroll Coordinator, at aesling@lifebridgehealth.org

There is no fee to join a walking club. If there is no walking club in your area, call or email to find out about starting your own!