24-hour hotline: 410-857-7322 Provides counseling and support services to people in the community hurt by sexual violence, and to eliminate sexual violence in Carroll County through education and
advocacy. Client services include: 24-hour hotline; walk-in crisis counseling; group
therapy; individual therapy; accompaniment to meet with police, go to the hospital,
and/or appear in court, and advocacy. Services are available to both female and
male victims as well as family members. Community services include: educational
programs for schools, colleges, employers, community groups and professional
organizations. Workshop topics include: dating violence, domestic violence, sexual
harassment, child sexual abuse prevention, and rape risk reduction programs. We
provide all training for 24-hour hotline volunteers, a responsibility that may include
telephone crisis counseling, police accompaniment, or a visit to the emergency
room. Services are free and confidential. Donations are suggested for therapy
services. Serves adults and youth ages 12 and older.
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 - 5:00, Friday: 9:00 - 4:00