Prevention: Substance abuse prevention and intervention services for residents
of Carroll County. Prevention and intervention services are provided across the
life span to individuals including students of all ages including college, parents,
faith community, recovery community, business environment, veterans and senior
citizens. Targeted education to prevent onset of substance use, reduce stigma
around behavioral health issues, decrease suicide and trauma. Will provide
educational presentations as needed in the community.
Recovery Support Services ‚ Certified Peer Recovery Support Specialists are available
to anyone with a behavioral health issue. Non-clinical care coordination is provided
by a trained specialist to reduce barriers to services and to promote recovery from
mental health and substance related disorders. Peer Support Specialist offer
assistance with entitlements, outreach to providers for treatment or housing
linkages, and supporting individuals with recovery needs. They advocate for
individuals needs as they relate to treatment or recovery.
Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm