Home & Community Based Services Programs
Community Options (CO) Waiver The Community Options waiver (CO) serves individuals who are medically,
technically and financially eligible for Medicaid waiver services who have been
transitioned or diverted from a nursing facility. Eligible individuals must be age 18
years or over, require a nursing facility level of care, choose to receive services in the
community, and have a cost neutral plan of services that supports the individual to
safely live in the community. The Community Options Waiver offers:
Assisted Living, Medical Day Care, Nutritionist/Dietician, Home delivered Meals,
Personal Emergency Response Systems, Environmental Assessments, Assistive
Technology, Nurse Monitoring, Personal Care, Supports Planning/Case Management,
Transition Services (for example, assisting an individual to leave an institutional
setting and return to the community) and additional services.
Community First Choice
The Affordable Care Act created a program called Community First Choice (CFC), which
provides states the option to offer certain community-based services as a state plan
benefit to individuals who meet an institutional level of care. There is no wait list for
services through the CFC program. Services are provided in the individual's home
or community residence by agency employed providers. The program does not have
age, cost neutrality or enrollment limitations CFC offers: Personal Assistance Services,
Supports Planning/Case Management, Nurse Monitoring, Home delivered Meals,
Assistive Technology, Accessibility Adaptations, Environmental Assessments, Personal
Emergency Response Systems (PERS) and additional services.
Money Follows the Person (MFP)
Money Follows the Person (MFP) in Maryland will help people transition from an
institution, for example a nursing facility, to community living in an apartment,
private home, or small group setting. MFP initiatives increase outreach to individuals
in institutions and decrease barriers to transition. New efforts under MFP include
peer mentoring, enhanced transition assistance, improved information technology,
housing assistance, flexible transition funds, and the addition of waiver services to
existing waivers.
State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP)
TTY/TDD 711/800-735-2258 Trained health insurance counselors are available on an appointment basis to help
seniors, age 60 and older, with questions and problems regarding:
* Medicare
* Medigap
* Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) * Long Term Care
* Qualified Medicare Beneficiary
* Pharmacy Assistance.
Home visits are available when needed for the homebound.
Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm