Life's Potential Services, Inc. (LPS) provides outpatient drug and alcohol counseling specifically to adults and adolescents ages 12 and over struggling with substance use disorders with and without mental health concerns. LPS provides three levels of program services as described in the current edition of the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) which includes: Level .05 Early Intervention (DUI Program), Level 1 Outpatient Services, and Level 2.1 Intensive Outpatient Services. LPS provides screening and assessment, early intervention/education, a 12-hour program for DWI/DUI offenders, outpatient group and individual counseling, and family counseling and education to those residing in the Carroll and Howard Counties, and the Baltimore Metropolitan area communities. Both in-person and telehealth services are available.
Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. - 8 p.m.