OMHC: Currently offering individual and family therapy for children, adolescents and adults. This includes psychiatric services and medication management as deemed appropriate. Our services at the OMHC level are designed to promote mental health and improve functioning in our clients. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program (PRP) for children and Adults to support the therapeutic process by building skills in areas including but not limited to: anger management, social skills, self-care skills, independent living skills, time management, coping skills, leisure skills, adult living skills and parenting strategies Mobile Treatment Services (MTS) are designed specifically for adults and children with major mental health illness who are unable to participate in OMHC settings. A team of nurses, therapists, a case manager, and psychiatrists provide medication management, supportive individual and group psychotherapy, and case management services.
Monday ‚ Thursday: 9:00 am ‚ 8:00 pm, Fridays: 9:00 am ‚ 4:30 pm